Get Soft Background and Natural Stone-Like Veins with Aria Bianco

Get Soft Background and Natural Stone-Like Veins with Aria Bianco

Aria Bianco is a porcelain tile, added recently to our porcelain tile collection. This 24 inches X 48 inches extra-large format porcelain tile features natural-stone like veiny patterns on a classic soft white background. The tile has been designed to imitate the realistic natural stone ambiance.

The Look of Marble at Low-Cost –

Since porcelain, the tile costs lower than natural stone. Marble is a premium construction material; it does add class and value to your property, but it costs a fortune. Homeowners mesmerized with the appearance of white marble often choose marble-look porcelain tiles.

Stone look porcelain tiles offer added advantage, for example:

Water- and Moisture Resistance – Marble is porous stone. There are countless tiny pores on marble surface. These pores allow water and moisture to seep through a cause damage to the surface (subfloor or substrate) behind or underneath. A large number of people use plywood boards as subfloor and moisture (in long term) can cause adverse impact on the well-being of plywood.

Porcelain is a non-porous surface and it does not allow seepage of water and moisture. So, when you use our Aria Bianco 24x48 Polished Porcelain Tiles for flooring and walling in your home, you take a move to keep your home safe from water and moisture.

Stain Resistance – It is very easy for marble to catch stains due to due to drying of water or due to spills and splashes of food and colorful fluids, dust, and dirt. The pores on the stone surface house the staining agents making cleaning and stain removal quite a difficult routine.

The white veiny texture of your marble flooring dull downs leaving you baffled and often furious.

Staining is not scenario on Aria Bianco Polished Tiles. First, it is non porous surface. Second, the tile has a polished finish. And third, it is super smooth. There is no supportive condition for stains your polished porcelain flooring.

So, even if you get huge-traffic on your floor or if your room is exposed to natural air and sunlight, there is no way your Aria Bianco 24 X 48 Polished Porcelain Tiles will lose their soft white background or their light-dark veins will wash away.

Go check out and buy our Aria Bianco 24x48 Polished Porcelain Tiles here! Looking for more? Browse through our porcelain tile collection now!