Differences between Flexible Core and Rigid Core LVT?

Differences between Flexible Core and Rigid Core LVT?

LVT expands to luxury vinyl tile, and it is a popular and affordable material for creating floors in residential and commercial spaces. Many homeowners and interior designers use luxury vinyl tiles for walls and vertical applications as well.

However, if you would go out to buy luxury vinyl tiles or search the internet to buy them for your needs, chances are you will be overwhelmed with the options available.

To ease your buying journey, we compare Flexible Core LVT and Rigid Core LVT – two commonly available luxury vinyl tiles in the market.

Flexible Core LVT –

  • Flexible Core LVT flooring is more stable after installation. That’s mainly because of its glue-down installation approach. Moreover, these LVT tiles are easier to replace. You can remove them easily and apply another layer on the subfloor.
  • That said, it makes a better choice for larger areas.
  • Flexible Core LVT provides stronger grip or bonding between tiles and subfloor.

Rigid Core LVT - 

  • Just like its name, Rigid Core LVT is quite rigid. It is stronger than Flexible Core LVT, and it won’t bend or roll up like the latter. The reason why these tiles are called Rigid Core is that, they have a rigid core made of wood, plastic, or stone dust for superior strength and longer durability.
  • These tiles floats on your subfloor with their unique interlocking or click-lock mechanism. With that said, they are better at providing waterproofing and moisture resistance.
  • In addition to that, these tiles are easier to install, as they do not require any glue.

Looking to buy luxury vinyl tiles? Visit MosaicsAndTile.com, one of the leading tile suppliers in US.