Different Types of Edge Finishes for Countertops

Different Types of Edge Finishes for Countertops

There are many edge styles available in the market to give your kitchen or bathroom counter a professional level finish. Without smooth edges, your stone counter will not have the appeal as per your expectations or design idea.

When you buy stone for building countertop in your home, you should also buy edge stone to create the design of your dream. Here are some of the most common edge styles you can choose from –

Beveled Edge –

Beveled counter edging is the most popular style. You can have it too, if you are fond of angular edge design.

With its multiple angles, this edge style helps you create a chiseled, well-defined, professional level finish.

In beveled edge also, you have the option to choose quarter inch or half inch or more sizes depending on the thickness of your counter slab.

Small and Large Beveled edges are also available to choose from.

Bullnosed Edge –

It is also an in-demand edge style for counters and a variety of stone installations. It gives you a soft, elegant, round edge that you can use for finishing your granite and slate countertops.

This edge becomes a must, if you have kids and pets at home. Counters with sharp edges can create a trouble for kids.

Half Bullnosed Edge –

Half bullnosed edge gives your counter a wider round edge, making your counter appear thicker. It has a curve on top and is flat at the bottom.

This counter edge too protects you from the sharp stone edges and injuries.

Square Edge –

This counter edge style gives you straight and square edges. But the edges are not sharp. They are a bit softened to be safe and durable.

Apart from these, there are Flat, Ogee, Cove, Pencil, Double Pencil, Triple Pencil, and Cove Ogee edge styles to choose from.

All these counter edges are available in a variety of natural stones.